Five terrorists were killed in an encounter in South Kashmir's Kulgam district on Thursday. The operation was initiated after security forces received intelligence inputs about the presence of terrorists in the Kadder area. Acting on this information, a search operation was launched, which soon escalated when the terrorists opened fire on the security personnel, leading to a fierce gunfight.
According to a statement by the Indian Army's Chinar Corps, the joint operation involved the Indian Army and the Jammu and Kashmir police. The operation began after suspicious activity was observed in the area. "Based on specific intelligence input regarding the presence of terrorists, a Joint Operation was launched by the Indian Army and J-K police at Kadder, Kulgam. Suspicious activity was observed by vigilant troops and on being challenged, terrorists opened indiscriminate and heavy volumes of fire. Own troops effectively retaliated. Operation is in progress," read the post shared on X.
This encounter comes shortly after another terrorist involved in civilian killings at Gagangir, Ganderbal, and several other attacks in Jammu and Kashmir was killed in an encounter in Srinagar district earlier this month. The region has seen a series of encounters and attacks in recent months, including an operation last month where security forces neutralized three terrorists in Anantnag and Khanyar.
The deadliest attack occurred on October 20, when seven individuals, including a local doctor and two workers from Bihar, were killed in a shooting at a tunnel construction site in Ganderbal district. These incidents have raised concerns about the resurgence of violence in the region.
National Conference chief Farooq Abdullah attributed the rise in terror attacks to an attempt to destabilize the newly formed government led by his son, Omar Abdullah. He called for an independent probe into the incidents, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation to understand and address the root causes of the growing violence in Jammu and Kashmir.
Disclaimer:This image is taken from PTI.